The series explores the ideas of Renaissance through the prism of "Dead Symbolism", emphasizing the stillness and grandeur of the images, as if frozen in time. These works combine classical aesthetics with a feeling of ringing emptiness and silence, emphasizing the immutability of death as a symbol of the highest truth.
icons of new renaissance
The series tells about the illusory nature of love and power - if we are faced with a choice between this sector of feelings.

"In love, we always feel power over our partner, and in power over our lives is self-love"
A series dedicated to emptiness and decadence, where skulls replace beehives and become symbols of loss. Blood flows out of them, replacing honey, embodying the painful sweetness of destruction. Bees are all around, continuing their meaningless work, as a reflection of cyclical, devoid of content. This series reveals the beauty in the void, where death becomes the embodiment of something viscous and attractive.
dripping like honey
A picture in which fear takes shape. It symbolizes the depth and vastness of water, seas, and what is hidden beneath the surface. This work is a visualization of personal fear of swimming, swimming, feeling vast expanses and cold depths. It conveys a sense of anxiety about the unknown and uncontrollable, where water becomes a space filled with pressure, silence and emptiness.
The series was created to draw attention to socially vulnerable groups who are exposed / survivors of any violence.

The immaculate painting used to be called death by sex, and drew attention to HIV+ people, but due to criticism in the title, it was renamed. She has retained her meanings, in conjunction with the painting martyr, they embody mental and physical issues that cannot be solved separately.
Martyr & Immaculate
A self-portrait that exposes inner pain. It symbolizes vulnerability, insecurities and wounds left by experiences. This picture is a reflection of a state when I have no emotions and strength left for some kind of struggle, and every insecurity penetrates deeply, leaving a trace. The work conveys a sense of expectation, where love seems to be both a salvation and a source of new wounds.
Wait Until U Love Me Again
A series of canonical sins, which tells us that we are no longer subject to certain conventions, but give ourselves entirely to emotions based on the context. As Ferdinand Mount wrote in his "studies", reassessment is important, but not in the context of maintaining the same interpretations to which he is committed.
Capital Vices
Creation of Torment